I'm mainly a Software Developper, with a passion for video games. But I struggled a lot in the latest years as I was mainly lacking confidence in my craft and beliefs. As time passed I realized that believing in yourself is so much more valuable that skills even if skills still is required
Down there, is an example of my first game project. Using SFML and inspired of an Entity-Component architecture.
Once I felt like I enjoyed the process of making games, I tried joining a group of developpers in a beginner friendly GameJam. So far this has been the closest I got from releasing a game I would have been proud of.
November 2017: Asteroid look alike.
At that time I was still struggling with my self-estime, and so going through the whole process of creating a game to completion, was what I thought to be the solution to my struggles:
Turned out it was trash, and I was actually even more doubtful of my skills, I felt responsible for a kid who asked if I could let him play my game for a Youtube video... I felt like i over promissed and the kid years later became a crack addict... you guess why I felt bad, Rip Titouan
January 10th 2025 : Here we are now
A lot a time has flown by, and now I realized how I gave up on what made me thrive so bad. I never really gave up on game dev, i just never acted upon it, as if I could not figure out what I did wrong, and that, through brain power and thinking hard enough, I could figure out what I was missing... turns out, I just need to try again and again, and one day i will make it.